From: <>
Subject: Don't Miss Out on Great Possiblities!



Message from our Orange County California Chapter coordinator, Rodney O'Riley:



Routines are comfortable, but they can be dangerous if not handled right. What's the danger?

Missing out on great possibilities.

It's like we can gather a small group of local restaurants that we always frequent, never adventuring outside the familiar for fear of tasting something unpleasant. But then, sometimes, you do -- and sometimes, you discover a whole new set of flavors.

It's like that with music.

We all have our favorites, but there can be a thrill in listening to trying out new forms you are unfamiliar with. Especially for us as songwriters and musicians, given that we can be very analytical about musical works even when they may not appeal to our tastes. Try it -- you may find some new inspiration you may not have thought of before.

Hi, I'm Rodney O'Riley, and I'm the Songsalive! Squad Coordinator of Orange County, California. We have Squads all around the world. Some are developed by us at Songsalive!, others by you, as our songwriter members. Squads offer the ability to collaborate and often, meet together, in a similar area, city or region. You can find like-minded writers near you and perform together, write together, or critique each others songs.


Join Songsalive! and find a Squad near you!


Best of luck!
Rod O'Riley
Songsalive!, Orange County Coordinator






Thanks for reading. As you can see, we have passionate team members. We love what we do at Songsalive! We hope you join us and feel the passion.

